TTF Watershed is an organization committed to expanding our diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice work through connecting their residents and communities to their creeks! Through hands-on education, stewardship, restoration, and advocacy, they empower their constituents to take care of and improve the impaired waterways across 30 square miles.

This is a collection of print collateral I have designed for TTF Watershed to reflect and highlight the organization's mission of protecting local waterways. The goal was to create vibrant and engaging print brochures, coloring pages and even sticker sheets to better engage their residents and encourage usage of the many square miles of the Tacony Creek park.
Scavenger hunt map trifold (Interior)
Scavenger hunt map trifold (Interior)
Scavenger hunt map trifold (Cover) and scavenger hunt sticker sheet
Scavenger hunt map trifold (Cover) and scavenger hunt sticker sheet

Multi-lingual promotional postcard (front)

Multi-lingual promotional postcard (back)

Scavenger Hunt Map (Interior) Mockup 

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